Review EVGA X570 Dark Review: EVGA Embraces AMD

This is a motherboard which is advertised to basically be only for extreme overclocking and will be better at overclocking than every other board out there, except maybe the X570 Godlike which you have to be mental to consider, since you can have far more utility and features from several other boards, yet I can't help but notice in the Overclocking section there wasn't a comparison of overclocking results for the same 5950X across a selection of X570S motherboards across a variety of applications...
I'm sure it's a great board and all...but when I look at that heatsink all I can see is "DORK" instead of "DARK".

I...I will show myself out...
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Mentioning SLI support as being rare on X570 is super weird. There are no fewer than 26 X570 based motherboards which support SLI listed in the community AM4 motherboard database spreadsheet, and it hasn't even been updated with the X570 Dark yet.

Probably referring to the 4 slot spacing (slot 2 & 6) required for SLI with RTX 3090 , Basically all nvlink bridges for the RTX3090 are 4 slot designs, 3 slots bridge do exist but are hard to find.
really looks like they just took the Z590 board design and just smacked AMD stuff on, but nevertheless it's an interesting board (and by that I mean reading reviews since most likely none of us will ever get our hands on one of those)