Who cares... Wait for Lovelace to see the power draw craziness even higher.
The world is going mad, this is just one small sector of it's madness... extreme power consumption for extremely expensive halo products that are not worth their price, bought by people with more money than sense.
So who cares about this... I don't, I never will. I will never buy it, I would not even keep it if it was given to me for free, I would just sell it to fools... so let the fools buy them.
As always I'll buy the mid tier GPUs up to 250w and not give a flying F about these aberrations. Or GPUs above $700, which are in the same bracket of aberrations.
When there won't be any 250w and less than $700 GPUs, I'll quit, because it will be an insane asylum. At that point that's whats going to be, if or when it ever gets there.
The same goes for CPUs with 125w or more stupid power consumption. I have central heating in my home, I don't need my PC to be a 2nd one. I also like it to be cool and as whisper quiet as possible, not have an expensive cooling system as intricate as a NASA space shuttle. Not to mention 1000w PSU...