pls help how to fix flickering screen on my laptop msi ex460.. there is many complain about this but until now i can't see the solution.. please help me.. thanks
Gandalfs post, the live update? For anyone else coming from google... Downloaded and ran liveupdate from MSI, INSTANT blue screen. Had to use system restore (good thing I had one from 5 days prior) to get it to stop bsoding at windows load, just giving my experience...
Gandalfs post, the live update? For anyone else coming from google... Downloaded and ran liveupdate from MSI, INSTANT blue screen. Had to use system restore (good thing I had one from 5 days prior) to get it to stop bsoding at windows load, just giving my experience...
StriderRyo, post where Gandalf answered is now 17 mo. old. Lots of things have changed since.