Exceed recommended GTA V specs but it runs like crap


Nov 17, 2013
So I finally had a slow day and picked up GTA V. Spent another day downloading the 5gb patch. Got it installed today, went to play it...and it feels like trying to swim in a pool full of molasses.

I started the first bit of the storyline and quickly noticed the FPS, or lack of it. The game stutters in every situation; running, driving, anything. FPS felt like I could draw the screens faster. Rebooted, tried again, same thing. Tried dropping some of the settings from 'high' to 'normal' but no change. Updated Catalyst to the most recent version, no change. Uninstalled Catalyst, reinstalled, no change. If I reboot, start GTA V with nothing else running, it seems to be ok for a few seconds, then the framerate just starts plummeting, to the game being unplayable. And I don't just mean 30fps unplayable...I mean 10 to 15fps as confirmed by FRAPS. The shitty thing is that my system, although not a powerhouse, should be able to breeze through it. Specs as follows:

i5 4570 @3.2ghz
16gb RAM
Powercolor 7950 (slightly OC'd)
Samsung 850 Pro 250gb SSD

I don't get it. I understand the latest patch has resulted in a framerate drop for a lot of people, but it doesn't sound anywhere near as bad as I have it. Anyone have any ideas what's going on?
You should play at the native resolution of your monitor.

Download HWInfo. Ruin Sensors. Game for 20mins. Post the Sensors results - usually 3 screenshots in TinyPic or similar. To see how your PC is running.
Everything except your Gpu exceeds the recommended requirements. you Gpu scraps through the minimum requirements which changes over a period of time. I recommend you turn your settings a notch down and let me know your resolution and current settings or you could always download raptr its similar to geforce experience and helps optimize games for amd. Optimize it from Raptr and go ingame and tweak the settings a bit. Mostly Reduce since raptr optimal settings are contributed by the community.
GTA V - http://www.game-debate.com/games/index.php?g_id=1308&game=Grand%20Theft%20Auto%20V - your CPU and ram are excellent.

Also see http://www.gamersnexus.net/game-bench/1905-gta-v-pc-fps-benchmark-graphics-cards#

At High settings on 1080p a R7 250X gets 31 fpsaverage. The R7 250X is much stronger than a HD4950.

So my recommendation is to upgrade your graphics card. Something within budget, can be reliably run by your power supply and something that will fit in your case. If you can provide that info then we can help choose the best for your budget.

I'm at 1280x1024; trying to go to 1920x1080 and I get an error saying 'out of range' while in game.

All of the graphical settings are set at 'normal'. No MSAA; V-sync doesn't seem to make a difference.

Downloaded HWInfo per your recommendations. Got home from work and fired it up with GTA V. Played for about 10 minutes, same lag/FPS issues as before. Minimized it to HWInfo to take a look at the results:




Notice anything strange? I sure did! CPU was at 99 degrees!!!

I figured this must be an error, HWInfo was grabbing the wrong temps or something. Rebooted into the Asus BIOS utility and checked the temperature (in flashing red text up top...). Sure enough, 97 degrees. Shit! This didn't make sense; the MOBO, processor and RAM are all less than a year and a bit old. I paid attention when I put everything together, I didn't have any idea what went wrong. Did the thermal paste not bond? Did I screw up the heat sink? I haven't really played any games on this thing since Battlefield 4 last year and never had any issues.

I took the case cover off...and found the culprit. The wire plugging the Intel fan into the motherboard had somehow wrapped around/under the fan guard thing and was blocking the fan from moving at all. No wonder my computer seemed so quiet lately...The wire was jammed pretty good, but I have no idea how long it's been like that. I took the case cover off a few days ago to throw in the new Samsung SSD but that's pretty much it.

I fixed the jam, rearranged the miles of cables coming out of my power supply, fired it back up and started GTA V. What a difference. CPU temps are ranging around 50 degrees with a max spike of 71, average 56. Cranked up the settings in the game and it's still as smooth as butter. I'll try FRAPS and see what my framerate is; I'd be willing to bet I'm close to 50.

Anyways, thanks for the idea i7Baby; I never would have guessed my CPU was cranking out such high temps but that explains the quickly worsening FPS. Just thankful for the thermal limit.