Exhaust fan position and LED fan connector


Dec 31, 2015
Hey guys, I have two questions, both of which are probably incredibly dumb but oh well =(

1. I want my fan to be an exhaust fan, which is going to go on the top of my computer. Which side would I see facing up on top of my computer? Pic 1 or 2?

Usually the fan should say on it/which way the fans spin, yet my NZXT FZ-200 doesn't seem to=S



2. On my NZXT fan it comes with an LED cable, which can be seen below. Where does this plug into exactly on my motherboard?


I'd appreciate any help =)
Ans1. Not even at the sides ? theres usually an arrow there.
and yeah im not 100% sure but where it only mentions NZXT (that sticker), facing this way fan would blow air towards you.

No idea about Q2.
Maybe check the Motherboard manual.