Exile Server Stuck at connecting


Aug 19, 2015
Not sure if anyone knows but I thought I'd ask to see.

I have just created my Exile server and when I try to join I get stuck at connecting and it will just sit there until it kicks me out. Also somtimes I my game crashes with the error division by zero and a memory location error. On my MySQL log file it says

Timestamp, Thread, Type, Details
2016-07-29T04:03:42, 105, Note, Aborted connection 105 to db: 'exile' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)

If I'm interpreting this correctly it is having problems connecting to the database but I have tested the connection and everything seems to be fine. Also It says that table 'territory' is already created. But it only says it for about four of the tables and all are already created.

Is this the result of getting stuck at Connecting and my game crashing?
Ok but if you are using a router to connect to the Exile server and it is dedicated.
And you use another PC to connect to it as a client.

You will still have to check the settings of your router and setup port forwarding.
Where the dedicated server will have it`s own IP address, and the client machine connecting to it.

Even if they are contained in the same IP pool of the router given by the router in DHCP mode.


Or put the IP address of the machine running the Exile dedicated server in the DMZ zone of the router.

Let`s see if I have got this right, you have created a dedicated game server, and are trying to connect to it via a home network where it is routed from the connecting Clients on the lan to the router, and also any Wan based connection for example by friends over the internet ?

If the case, and connecting via a router for lan connections and Wan.

Get all of the port addresses the Exile dedicated server uses.
Log into the router of the network.

Lower the hardware firewall settings of the router from high to medium.
Go to the port forwarding section of the routers setup menu.

With the IP of the system running the dedicated Exile server.
And all of the ports it uses.

Be it Tcp or Udp protocols.
And setup a port forward condition for each in the port forwarding section of your router.

Once done, save the changes in the router before you exit it.

Now open up a command prompt in windows.
Do this via clicking on start and in the search box type: CMD

Press enter.

Type in the command box : Ping -example IP.

Where the example for you should be the IP address of the dedicated exile host machine.

See if you get packets sent and received and a TTL response time.
If you do that is good.

Run the Exile server.

And then try to connect to it via a client machine either on the Lan, or through the Wan.

Bellow on the link is a list of server ports you need to open in your router for Exile.



2302 (Arma3 Game port) + (VON is now part of main gameport due to NAT issues)
2303 (STEAM query )
2304 (Steam port)
2305 (VON port - not used atm. but allocated)

DST Port Proto Destination Comment
2344 TCP+UDP BattlEye - arma31.battleye.com
2345 TCP BattlEye - arma31.battleye.com
2302-2305 UDP any Arma Server to Client Traffic
2303 UDP any Arma Server STEAM query port
2304 UDP any Arma Server to STEAM master traffic


I am just using it on a home network to take the load off of my computer.
Ok but if you are using a router to connect to the Exile server and it is dedicated.
And you use another PC to connect to it as a client.

You will still have to check the settings of your router and setup port forwarding.
Where the dedicated server will have it`s own IP address, and the client machine connecting to it.

Even if they are contained in the same IP pool of the router given by the router in DHCP mode.


Or put the IP address of the machine running the Exile dedicated server in the DMZ zone of the router.
