Expensive "enterprise" MLC or SLC/cheap MLC combo?


Nov 25, 2014
Im currently using 128 GB Samsung 840 EVO. Doing about 20 GB writes per day with little bit of restraining myself. I want to buy new 512 GB ssd in few months. I was thinking about samsung 840/850 PRO, but then i realized that you can get 128 GB SLC + cheap 512 GB MLC combo for about the same or less than "expensive" MLC SSDs i was thinking about earlier. For example KingFast F3 PLUS and Crucial MX100. Reasoning behind this is that majority of my disk writes are cache and temp files writes (Chrome, youtube, flash, twitch) so i would use small SLC for system disk (app data, caches, temps...) and larger MLC drive for app installations (that do basically no writes - everything goes to users folder on system drive). What would be better option? Single expensive drive or SLC/MLC combo?

edit: SLC/MLC combo is about 20 USD more expensive than single high end MLC ssd where i live...
My _personal_ take on this is that any decent SSD will not wear out between now and when you want to replace it with the newest phase-change sapphire crystal storage device. Buy the most SSD you can afford. And one big one is easier to manage.

This is based on reading, not experience. I have my OS, swap file, and temp directory on my SSD, but I don't run a heavy workload.

I know that im probably never gonna wear out even my small TLC ssd (before i replace because it small) but i just want to be super sure. Thing is that im absolutely ok with bricking ssd with things i need it for (little video editing, swap file, temp, some cache), but im not ok with Chrome/Youtube/twitch doing it for no ***** reason... because flash video doesnt have to be cached on bloody SSD and Chrome doesnt have to do 300+ MB of cache writes per hour just doing absolutely nothing (running afk with one empty tab opened). And thats the feeling i wanna get rid of by buying SSD that can take several times more abuse than i can ever produce...