My home is spread out laterally. The distances from the main router to other areas is considerable. There are areas in the house where the WiFi signal is weak notwithstanding the fact that I have a dual band 802.11ac router. I have an extensive physical ethernet network with two Cat6 cables in each room… one reserved for the TV and the other for my computer/s. In the room where I have a weak signal, I intend to connect a Cat 6 Ethernet port to a 4-port switch (gigabit). One of the ports on the switch will be connected to a 802.11ac router, to create a wireless access point only. The other ports on the switch can be used for connecting printers or computers. Will this work ? Are there any issues that I need to be aware of ? Would appreciate inputs. I have considered WiFi extenders and they work at 50% capacity only because of the receive transmit nature of their operation.