M MarsISfuture Prominent Apr 2, 2017 13 0 510 Apr 2, 2017 #1 I have been looking at custom cable sleeving from cable mod and I do not know what the difference is between a psu cable a extension cable
I have been looking at custom cable sleeving from cable mod and I do not know what the difference is between a psu cable a extension cable
Solution CountMike Apr 3, 2017 PSU cables plug into modular PSU itself and extension cables into existing cables, as name suggests, and extend their length.
PSU cables plug into modular PSU itself and extension cables into existing cables, as name suggests, and extend their length.
CountMike Titan Oct 31, 2015 35,297 3,696 147,990 Apr 3, 2017 Solution #2 PSU cables plug into modular PSU itself and extension cables into existing cables, as name suggests, and extend their length. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
PSU cables plug into modular PSU itself and extension cables into existing cables, as name suggests, and extend their length.
M MarsISfuture Prominent Apr 2, 2017 13 0 510 Apr 3, 2017 #3 Which are the best to make your pc look good Upvote 0 Downvote
CountMike Titan Oct 31, 2015 35,297 3,696 147,990 Apr 3, 2017 #4 Ones that go straight from PSU of course. Unless you have to extend some and can't hide connectors somewhere. Upvote 0 Downvote
Ones that go straight from PSU of course. Unless you have to extend some and can't hide connectors somewhere.