What's the best solution? The external radiator is a Mo-Ra 3 with 2x9x120mm fans with push/pull, so it's a monster, far exceeding what is needed, but I have it. I also hav 2x360 radiators, so no extra cost either way. My question is basically: how long can the tubes to the external radiator be, and what height difference is possible? Would that make the external radiator worse? I have 2 Aquapumps (Ultima) that I have used in series in a previous build. Also, would it be better to attach the reservoir to the radiator (if I go for the external)? There's plenty of room in the cabinet (Cooler Master Cosmos C700P). The positive with having an external radiator, as I see it, is the ease of maintenance and drainage of the system (less chance of spilling).