external drive reognition

the general

Feb 1, 2016
i successfully upgraded to windows 10...after that my Seagat external drive is not being recognized by Seagate Manager like it was before the upgrade...it is drive "H" and shows in file explorer...have tried the simple things like cables, plugs etc. and nothing....any help? thx...p.s. i am new to this site
Hey there, General.

With OS upgrades this happens sometimes. So I'd recommend that you try the drive with a different computer/device, just to make sure that it's working properly. After that go ahead and try reinstalling or updating the Universal Serial Bus (USB) Controller's driver, to see if that fixes things up. You could also try updating your BIOS/UEFI. Also, check if the drive is recognized at all in BIOS, Device Manager and/or Disk Management and please post a screenshot of what you see there about the drive (if it's recognized).
This thread might be helpful as well: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-update/windows-10-backup-not-recognizing-seagate-desk/6a39b035-1141-44a2-9678-7c833a9f72ab

Hope that...
Hey there, General.

With OS upgrades this happens sometimes. So I'd recommend that you try the drive with a different computer/device, just to make sure that it's working properly. After that go ahead and try reinstalling or updating the Universal Serial Bus (USB) Controller's driver, to see if that fixes things up. You could also try updating your BIOS/UEFI. Also, check if the drive is recognized at all in BIOS, Device Manager and/or Disk Management and please post a screenshot of what you see there about the drive (if it's recognized).
This thread might be helpful as well: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-update/windows-10-backup-not-recognizing-seagate-desk/6a39b035-1141-44a2-9678-7c833a9f72ab

Hope that helps. Please let me know how it goes.