External Graphics card on laptop

Jun 5, 2015
Ok i was looking into getting an external graphics card dock for my laptop and i am stuck on two different ones. If you guys could help me understand the difference between the two and point me to the better one i would greatly appreciate it.
Option 1: http://www.ebay.com/itm/V8-0-EXP-GDC-Beast-Laptop-External-Independent-Video-Card-Dock-Mini-PCI-E-Vers/181943864835?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20131003132420%26meid%3D445fbd80857c454ba3cb96b8e486d079%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D181979374753

Option 2: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ZI33ZQK/ref=s9_simh_gw_p147_d0_i3?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=desktop-1&pf_rd_r=15022XH0BGWNPJTH13HJ&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=2079475242&pf_rd_i=desktop

Update: I recently stumbled upon discovering that my laptops wifi mpci-e adapter has a white list. Will this mean this will only affect the wifi or anything in the mpci-e slot? I have a lenovo idea pad N580 that i upgraded to an i5 3210m with 8gb ram.

No using these would use the external gpu instead of the laptops integraded intel graphics. It would allow me to use my laptops to play games on it too.
I don't believe so. A laptop doesn't have a dvi plug in for running the laptop screen off an external source. You'd be stuck using another monitor(with the laptop supplying the CPu, HDD, and Ram essentially), and you'll also need a separate power supply.

It's a frankenstein desktop at that point.

Yeah i know that i most likely wouldn't be able to use the laptop screen with the card and that i would need a monitor. There are a few workarounds that i may try though. Any way i just want to know if there is a difference between these two or if one is better than the other.

Yeah i could just take out my mpcie wifi card and plug it in there. They actually recommend doing it that way. And i did research about this and it will work like the alienware graphics amplifier. Its the exact same concept but its not $200 and it will work on almost any laptop. I really dont mind buying from ebay if its a better part, but i would prefer the one on amazon. Is there any differences that you can see?

Yeah thats what i was thinking too but i wasn't sure.