External hard drive replacement

Jun 3, 2018
I am replacing my ext hard drive. It is says it is usb 3, and it is usb 2 compatable. It comes woth a usb 3 cord. can I use my old usb 2 cord or do I need to use the new usb 3 cord that comes with it?
Question from jamesjpoche : "External hard drive replacement"

My old ext hard drive has a usb 2.0 cord. the new ext hard drive has a usb 3.0 cord that comes with it. The new ext is 2.0 compatable. Do I have to use the new 3.0 cord or can I use my old 2.0 cord?
Question from jamesjpoche : "External hard drive replacement"

My pc runs on usb 2.0. My new ext hard drive is usb 3.0. does it matter if I use a 2.0 cord or the provided 3.0 cord?