external HD problem when connected to smart tv

Aug 26, 2018
I have external hard drive used to record tv programs from my Samsung smart tv. I can not delete any as the delete option is greyed out on the screen . As these are srf. files they can not be seen on a pc so can not delete them on that as do not know which is which . Anything I can do to HD settings to make delete option work when showing on tv screen please ?
Aug 26, 2018
Hi there , I can delete on pc but problem is you can not play these srf. recordings on a pc to see what to delete . When the drive is showing on the tv screen were you can see the content there is a delete option but is greyed out '. maybe there is no answer to this ?
Aug 26, 2018

Hi , yes I know it is encrypted. Its a minor problem really . I can delete files when on pc but can not see them to know the content , but can see them obviously on tv but can not use the delete option on there to delete as it is greyed out.