External hdd for gaming?


Aug 10, 2015
I know that external drives are not ideal for gaming but im saving up for a 2 tb ssd and thats gonna take a while and i dont want to use internal hdds as hey block the airflow to my components and its visually not what im going for. So if you had to recommend a 1tb external hdd thats not too expensive,what would it be?

Thx for any advice
The big external drives house a 3.5" drive, those will be your best bet. With USB 3.0, they are just as fast as internal drives. You will want to do your research and find the external drives that are still 7200 rpm with lots of cache 64mb or more.

I use a 2.5" western digital usb 3.0 drive, it is fast but it tapers off in performance.

The good thing here is that you know that it is not ideal. Also, games load most of their required files into RAM. The HDD is really only needed when loading scenes or maps. The exception would be Arma 3 and similar games that are so huge that they have to access the HDD somewhat often.

You are right to try and just go straight to an SSD, it will be worth it. I am all for the external drive as long as you understand that it is not ideal.
The point is that he does NOT want a hard drive in his case. That should be enough.

I use a 500GB ssd with no hard drives and I can honestly say that I need another asap, probably more than that. That is just a handful of games and some adobe products. All of my media (video music pics) are on a dedicated server. 2TB seems about right for gamer if they can afford it or are willing to save for it.