I fried a chip of the pcb of my medion external harddrive. The writing on it is IADJC, googling it shows me its a 6pin power ic chip. I need to desolder this chip and put a new one in. What kind of chip is this and with what chip can i replace this? The same one is hard to find. Maybe some names for this kind of chip so i can order one from some chinese shop.
it's a 12v case.
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I fried a chip of the pcb of my medion external harddrive. The writing on it is IADJC, googling it shows me its a 6pin power ic chip. I need to desolder this chip and put a new one in. What kind of chip is this and with what chip can i replace this? The same one is hard to find. Maybe some names for this kind of chip so i can order one from some chinese shop.
it's a 12v case.
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