External HDD RAW. How to format it?


Dec 24, 2011
Hello, I tried all day to recover the drive with different software with no luck. So now Im trying to format it, and again no luck. I guess it has to go to the bin?


What else I can try? In Disk Management it says: Healthy! Mad.

take it apart and connect it with sata (make sure you have a port available in your computer + a sata cable and sata power cord)


oh, well, looks like Im gonna have "fun" with this case...thanks, Ill try it.
okay, update for future googlers:

I ripped the case to pieces as its glued and I dont need it nor I want to spend hours to deattach it with some crazy tiny screws. Took the hard drive out of it, connected internally to pc. After that Windows 7 would not boot, just stuck at windows logo screen.

So what I did, I tried hdd regenerate boot cd - didnt help, tried partition wizard boot cd - that would not start at all throwing errors, total rubbish.

After that I tried seagate's seatools boot cd. The reason I didnt try it first is because when hard drive was connected via usb in its original case - seatools couldnt see it.

Started testing the disk, long test showed > 100 errors. Apparently it fixed them and I thought oh yeah now I will boot fine. Nope, same stuck windows boot logo screen. And at last, via seagate's boot cd again I FULL ERASE the disk. It took 3,5 hours to complete. And voilà! I have a the disk now:


sure thing, however I have another drive that failed in the past and it still working 2nd year straight. We'll see how it goes.