External HDD's Constantly restarting


Aug 22, 2015

I am having some trouble with my external HDD's.I have 3 1TB external HDD's, 2 powered and one USB powered. The hard disks are constantly restarting even when something is playing from the disks. I thought it might a problem with the laptop im using so ive changed the laptop . But the problem is still there.I tried the drives on an old Windows 7 laptop and they seemed to work fine, im only having trouble with win 8.1 and win 10. Dose anyone know whats wrong? Plese do help.
Welcome to the community, earthxdust!

I'd recommend you to try uninstalling and re-installing the USB drivers or the externals from Device Manager on your Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 computers. Since the external HDDs are perfectly detected and running smoothly on the Windows 7 laptop, it must be the other systems' fault recognizing the drives. Here's a guide that might shed some light on the Device Manager procedures: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc725782.aspx

Hope it helps. Good luck! :)