External Terabyte Recovery Help 1 Terabyte


Feb 5, 2013
Hello. :hello: I am using Win 8. I wanted to use one of my external hard drive which is 1 Terabyte as a recovery drive and when it deleted everything on it (as I planned), it says that only 32 gigs are available, as in it could not download more than 32 gigs onto it! :ouch: (I did not delete everything manually but let the "Create a Recovery Drive" setting do it) I no longer needed the information inside the terabyte, which was over half a terabyte, but I did not want this to happen. 🙁 I tried reformatting the drive but nothing works, it keeps saying the drive is only 32 gigs can you help me? :??:

look under windows disk mamangement the other space should still be there you just need to make a new partion for the other space and give it a drive letter.
when you install windows 8 or windows 7 be care full not to have any other drives plugged in. windows likes to install itself on any drive it sees first. also that small partion is called windows recovery partion it should be installed on drive c. another glitch of windows install.
Ive run into another problem, after I made the partion, but when I move the storage unit to another computer, (tested only on win 7 and XP) it will show the driver installing blah blah blah. But then when i go to my computer it wont show up. when i look at the devices manager it shows up but I cant acess it. does the drivers or partion have to do with this?