Extreme CPU bottle necking.


Apr 23, 2014
When I bought my GTX 1070 almost a year ago, I checked many forums about whether my CPU (I5 4460) would bottleneck it. The general consensus seemed to be that it would but the effect would be very small. I never really played any intensive games until recently so I noticed no problems. On Battlefield 1 however, I'm getting terrible performance due to 30-40% GPU usage and 100% on CPU. Is this just due to the game being CPU intensive, people who thought there would be no bottleneck merely being incorrect, or a faulty component? I'm only trying to find out due to me finding the situation extremely frustrating and wanting to know if there is anything I can do to fix it.
Yeah the 64 man maps are very cpu heavy. I don't think the previous advice you had was bad, its just that game is a cpu monster lol

Cheapest upgrade would be to swap your 4460 for an i7 4770 or 4790
"I'm getting terrible performance"

What exact framerate are you achieving and what is your desired framerate?

Make sure no CPU intensive programs are running in the background. You can try turning down some advanced settings in-game and hope they affect CPU performance but I don't believe there are.
Terrible as in 30-40 fps on 64 man servers, but sometimes that bad even on small 24 man ones where there is lots going on. On large maps there are frequent spikes down sub-20 fps which is unplayable. Turning the settings all the way down to low makes practically no difference. Seeing as I spent £400 on a GPU, my desired fps would be 60 on ultra but I know thats not going to be possible.