Extreme frustration with windows update


Dec 17, 2009
Hello, I just recently rolled back from windows 7 to vista for many reasons, because I have a legal copy of vista, and because in windows 7 the windows update would give me the error 80070002 after checking for updates, so this is my problem, I just did a fresh install and I just finished installing windows vista 64 bit and I run windows update and I am having the same problem except this time the error code is is different I will post back when I am able to double check what the code is, It officially is my birthday as of 10 minutes ago and I wanted to install a few games that I got from friends but it seems like the world is trying to screw me again.

Did you wipe the HDD of all past data before the fresh install?

If you've had past problems its always a good idea to use your specific HDD diagnostic utility and run a drive wipe, or zero fill, drive erase, or as some utilities call it a LLF (Low Level Format), which completely clears the HDD of all past data, restoring it to factory specification status.

That way you are 100% sure you're not bringing a past problem with you to the new installation.

The second best way would have been in the Vista Installation process to have deleted all previous partitions and re-created new installation partition, then formatted the new partition or partitions did you do that?