Extremely High CPU Usage After Update From Win7

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Sep 9, 2013
Okay so first things first, my system specs are:

GPU: GTX 780 3GB
Processor: Intel Core i5 4670k
Motherboard: ASUS Z87-Pro

Note: I currently have my OS installed on an SSD, while games and Steam/Origin/etc. are installed on an HDD.

I am in desperate need for help as I have updated my OS from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and the CPU usage is going crazy. At first after the initial update, the CPU in task manager was running at a solid 0-1%. Then when I opened Steam, the CPU percentage sky rocketed to 80%. Now there is a program called "Service Host: Local Service (Network Restricted) (6)" and "Service Host: Local Service (Network Restricted) (10)" that are just eating at the CPU. I have no idea how to reduce this and have looked everywhere for an answer.

These two processes seem to also be amplifying the usage of other programs that used to take up practically nothing of the CPU. Even after closing Steam, the processes still remain there eating at the CPU and it doesn't seem to want to go down.

Does anyone have any answers to this issue that could help me?

Thanks in advance.

Can you please try disabling the Superfetch service in the Services snap-in?

You can open the Services snap-in by typing the SERVICES.MSC command in the Run command box.

> Once the snap-in opens up, from the left pane, double-click the Superfetch service.

> From the opened Superfetch Properties (Local Computer) box, on the General tab, click the Stop button and confirm your action by providing your consent when prompted.

> After the service is stopped, from the Startup type drop-down list, choose Disabled.

> Click OK when done and restart your PC.

Hope this helps. :)

I did everything you said perfectly. When I restarted the computer I instantly opened task manager. Everything was at 0% like usual, but as soon as I clicked on Steam, I instantly saw in the processes that both "Service Host: Local Service (Network Restricted) (6)" and "Service Host: Local Service (Network Restricted) (10)" had popped up to the top of the CPU usage list and my percantage went literally from 0% to 80%.

I have no idea what to do at this point. Does that narrow down any issues?

Hello again

Can you please try what randomizer has suggested in this thread and see if the trick works?


He states: "Note, however, that many of these services are important and unless you know what they are for you should just leave them alone. After all, they're only using 1% of your memory."

I'm not familiar with a lot of the processes that Service Host is actually hosting. Is it safe to test this through trial and error? Here is a screenshot of the processes being hosted: http://oi57.tinypic.com/16gfshs.jpg

I noticed everything in the picture I linked you had something to do with audio, so the first thing I disabled in services was Windows Audio and what do you know? The CPU went down to 0% instantly, but I don't get sound without it. What do I do to fix this?
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