Extremely Poor System performance


Sep 16, 2014
Recently I have been struggling playing games with my rig and was unsure why. Kept having huge FPS drops from 50ish to 5 or 10 on any game.

Found a thread that said I should use PerformanceTest. So I did some tests and here were the results. (I am actually shocked.)

Bare in mind my specs:
AMD FX8350 Black Edition 8 Core @4GHz
8GB Corsair Vengeance 1600MHz
240GB OCZ Agility III
500GB W/D 7200RPM

Performance results: (Sorry about screenshots, you need to buy PerformanceTest to export data)



My CPU JUST beats a intel core duo 2... wtf.
GTX 770 is almost being beaten by a 5770?
Any help on why my specs are so heavily under-performing?
My Specs are pretty good. Is it the PSU not giving enough juice or the Mobo being too bad?

Thanks in advance, really appreciate help.
The CPU should not be overheating. Nothing should need replacing. Is the cooler properly attached (not able to wiggle at all) and is the fan spinning?

I checked using GPU-Z and SpeedFan and my GPU seems to be at around 60 degrees while idle
Using SpeedFan my CPU was at around 70 degrees idle.. Oops?

Now I really don't even want to boot up a game and test the temperatures haha.

What do you mean by CPU Frequencies? Sorry I thought I was good with computers haha..

Ohh clock speed. Yeah it gets around 4.2 GHz and then suddenly dropped to 1.4GHz? :O

70c is way too high. AMD CPU's are about 62c max. The CPU is throttling down to avoid burning up.

Oh right. Well what can I do about it? Replace Mobo like Bignastyid said or replace cpu fan etc?

Yeah I know :/ Yeah its properly in. And Yes its spinning

Whoa calm down. Just re-applied it now.
Seemed a lot better FPS wise but my CPU is still dropping to 1400MHz. Any help?

Did the temps improve?

Nope. Ordered a H80i. Hopefully that will help

Well I am going to use it so then I can determine the problem easier. If it fixes it then great but if it doesn't I know that's not the problem and I can swap out something else.