Extremely Weird Memory Leak Issue?


Aug 6, 2015
My parents are divorced so I switch between their houses weekly, I have an issue where my computer has a memory leak somewhere on it and over the coarse of usually 2-3 days the RAM usage goes up to 94-95%. The odd thing is that this ONLY ever happens at my fathers house. Nothing is different between the houses except I use an Ethernet connection at my fathers house and a wireless connection at my mothers. What could be causing me to only have this memory leak at my fathers house?
Next time your memory usage is up, take a look at task manager and look for the service eating your memory.

My guess is it could be Windows media player network sharing service, its a common leak problem. If your dad has videos on his computer that are shared to the network could be a reason. Usually when WMP network service starts eating memory is due to videos being corrupt or unfinished, making it difficult to index sending the service into a memory leak loop.

Can find the service in my computer > manage > services & applications.

Sorry I forgot to say that the "System" Service is eating my memory up. Which I found to be odd. https://gyazo.com/fbae89b2e02ee2bf3dc50b8d07125567

It don't think wouldn't be anything to do with the shared network because I'm the only one with an actual computer at both houses?

Also a Note: This didn't start happening until I graded to Windows 10.
More than likely its just how Win10 is and the more applications you have running in the background the more Win10 will compress data into memory instead of using the pagefile and it just increases longer the PC is on, so in your case over a period of two days seems normal.

Have a read here and also user comments and how it affects them and how they deal with it: http://lifehacker.com/why-is-windows-10s-system-process-using-so-much-ram-1725076206

Was just guessing network service just pondering the idea your Dad might have a multimedia setup.

System.exe is kind of like a service for all your applications combined, so i'd start by closing Chrome and other background running processes and see if the System process drops in usage.

Well I don't understand how this NEVER happens at my mothers house? I usually leave my computer on for the entire week and at my mothers is all normal usage which is less than 35-45%. But when at my dads house usually after 2 days it reaches this 95%. NOTHING else is different besides being on wireless at my mothers and Ethernet at my fathers.

Also: I usually have little to no applications running and I know exactly what is installed on my computer and I keep it EXTREMELY clean.
As far as difference between both locations, wireless or wired, i don't know for sure but i think it's just coincidental, possible more bandwidth running through the internet at your Dads could be a factor with Chrome and other internet connected applications. Wouldn't be because of a network driver but might be possible, just simply wireless/wired wouldn't be the cause of a memory leak.

Actually, I just noticed. I think it may because my Page File is being allocated way too much? Currently allocated is at 16gb lol. This is what it is at currently https://gyazo.com/71d66785c2936c9239e9550d68aa4880

What should it be?
Windows does a good job at managing the pagefile so i'd leave it. How much system memory do you have?

Try updating your lan driver and also maybe use another browser, chrome could be the problem. Seeing is the only difference is how you're connected, maybe there's something in it. Either lan driver or Chrome and how it reacts to wireless and wired.

I have 16GB of RAM. I'm pretty sure its the page file because its not supposed to be allocating all my RAM.

16GB of memory don't really need a pagefile but would still have it case a program needs it for any reason.

After a reboot check your pagefile again, see if its still allocating that much. Its weird if its only doing that only at your dads if it is doing that.

Something is obviously eating your memory and pagefile is getting bigger and bigger, try restricting min/max to 1024MB, see if it helps. Will help pagefile restrict virtual storage but not sure if it will solve the problem.


You have a Killer E2200 network card don't you?