Eyefinity Set-up Questions


Nov 4, 2013
Hi Everyone,

First, thanks for your input on this issue. I am looking to run an eyefinity set-up for PC Gaming. I play games like BF4/BF3, COD, CS:GO, etc.. I am currently running a Radeon 6950 2GB GDDR5 video card and am wondering what kind of performance I would get with it using Eyefinity across (3) 23-in monitors? If the one card isn't enough would it be better to crossfire it with another or upgrade to a single 79XX series card?

Thanks again!
One 6950 won't be enough. You could look for a used 6950 and try that but it might not have the vram needed to drive 3 monitors. Then next best option IMO is a set of 3gb 7970's. They are getting pretty cheep right now.