factory reset help, windows


Sep 16, 2016
Hi, last year I brought a used computer from a pawn shop and it has a fake/not genuine version of windows on it. Now my computer is down to 16gb, and everything is loading slow, I want to to a clean reset to factory settings. But since its a fake windows I dont want to do it and end up with no operating system 🙁 what should I do??
Multipack, fake as in pirated\black market version of windows.

vanessa27528, laptop or desktop? what is the make & model# of the computer? is there a windows activation key sticker on the computer & if so then for what windows as in xp, win7 or what?

Sorry, that might have been an accident 🙁 & Yes, it's a desktop, Also, for some reason I cannot copy & paste system specs, so I took a screenshot instead.
Is there anything else i'm missing?


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I'm using my phone at the moment but it's okay if it's fake, I just want to reset my computer :) so I can do a clean re-install? I ordered a micro SD to back up my things :)