Factory reset problems


Jul 4, 2014
I have Windows 8.1 on my pc and want to factory reset it but I can't do it because I lost the disc is there any way I can reset my computer or do I have to let it be a slow brick

What is the make and model of your pc hun and is it a desk top or lap top?
If you have a factory image on your pc, you can restore everything with that.
And also you can do a system recovery depending on your pc.
Before I can give you a definite answer I'm afraid the kind of pc is what I'll need to know to help you.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883258067 is the model of computer i have i dont know how to set up a factory image i have blank cds if thats what i need
Hey there, win 8.1 allows you to reset your pc without a disc. GO to pc settings and down at the very bottom is a reset option. Or do a search and type in factory reset. If you want to do a total clean install and lose files and/or folders, do a recovery. Preferably from a system image that should already be in the options for recovery.
If that makes sense. :)
I found out how to repair my pc by floating around in it and peeking at the instructions and outs of it.
My advice? ...get to know your pc hun, inside and out. Will save you many bucks if you do.
Hope I helped a little. :)