Failed in connection


Aug 10, 2016
Can someone help me? The LAN communication between all of our PC in my LAN is failed even if we use the same hub. the connection of PC in the same switch is failed! Right now everyone is mad with us(the IT responsible person). Please help me

No, those tools wont fix the network for you, their diagnostic command line tools to help you figure out what is and is not happening on the network. Which makes me question if you did actually use them (or know how).

I tried to point you in the right direction but I refuse to do homework questions for people and I refuse to hold the hand of people getting paid to do a job that is way over their head. I am not going to be an enabler.
Depending on the complexity of the businesses' network this (likely) could be something simple or something advanced but you do not seem to be familiar with the basic network...

Sorry. It was like this. There are so many computer in our network and we connect all of them to a switch. Our company use switch to connect between different department and suddenly all of the connection turned to failed. I dont what or where to start since I am was a newbie in this job.

Firewall is not an issue here because after it was turned of, the connection still failed
If all computers that used to work on a switch no longer can talk to each other then the switch is bad or you lost dhcp and/or dns. Have you tried the basics: ioconfig, ping, and nslookup. Anyone being paid to be "IT" should be very familiar with using those tool's to troubleshoot networks.

And FYI to anyone else who reads thread, turning off firewall is never a long term solution, only for testing.

I have already try all the ipconfig ping and nslookup. It still cannot be connected. The switch also have been change.

No, those tools wont fix the network for you, their diagnostic command line tools to help you figure out what is and is not happening on the network. Which makes me question if you did actually use them (or know how).

I tried to point you in the right direction but I refuse to do homework questions for people and I refuse to hold the hand of people getting paid to do a job that is way over their head. I am not going to be an enabler.
Depending on the complexity of the businesses' network this (likely) could be something simple or something advanced but you do not seem to be familiar with the basic network tools to get there.

I want to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are being tasked with something beyond the scope of your entry level job (vs you accepting a job you are unqualified for). For this problem you are just going to have to tell your boss that you cant fix it and they need to call an IT firm in town to fix it.

Then you need to educate yourself. Ideally you should get a COMPTIA Network+ certification; now if you cant do that due to money or testing center locations or whatever, then you at bare minimum can read and understand the study material for it as there is almost endless material on the internet for it.