My computer was working perfectly fine yesterday. Shut it down for the night come back today to play some games and it wont give me a signal to my screens. It isn't giving me a error message, isn't beeping at me, just nothing. So I take the covers off and take a look around. There is a clicking sound coming from my hard drives and my led lights have a slight pulse every second or so. My boot drive is a solid state but I can hear the other drives spooling up and down like they don't have enough power. All fans but 2 spin on initial startup.
The video card fans spin originally but do not both continue spinning. One stops while the other continues to spin.
The fan connected directly to my motherboard control instead of my fan controller does not spool up at all.
After some forum surfing I removed the ram and tried to boot with various combinations of them, no luck.
Ensured I had everything wired properly, but since this PC has been running fine for close to a year I dont think thats the cause.
Resat the video card, no luck.
Power from the usb ports seems to be limited to lighting as my mouse leds function but my keyboard even when plugged into the same slot does not turn on.
AMD Athlon X4 860K
Radeon R787 graphics card
gskill ram 8gb
A88XM motherboard
CX600 power supply
Sandisk SSD- boot drive
2 Toshiba HDs
wireless card
cd drive
I know components fail but for it to be working one minute, have nothing change, and not working the next makes me suspicious.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Something I remember after submitting this was that I did have an error 2 days ago. I got a system message on startup saying a usb device was drawing too much power and the pc shut down. I checked my device list and there was one device that had a little caution symbol. It just read as a number, not a particular item. So i removed all the usb devices but it didnt go away until i restarted the pc. Had the alert symbol pop up while the pc was in use but the device would just go away by itself.
The video card fans spin originally but do not both continue spinning. One stops while the other continues to spin.
The fan connected directly to my motherboard control instead of my fan controller does not spool up at all.
After some forum surfing I removed the ram and tried to boot with various combinations of them, no luck.
Ensured I had everything wired properly, but since this PC has been running fine for close to a year I dont think thats the cause.
Resat the video card, no luck.
Power from the usb ports seems to be limited to lighting as my mouse leds function but my keyboard even when plugged into the same slot does not turn on.
AMD Athlon X4 860K
Radeon R787 graphics card
gskill ram 8gb
A88XM motherboard
CX600 power supply
Sandisk SSD- boot drive
2 Toshiba HDs
wireless card
cd drive
I know components fail but for it to be working one minute, have nothing change, and not working the next makes me suspicious.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Something I remember after submitting this was that I did have an error 2 days ago. I got a system message on startup saying a usb device was drawing too much power and the pc shut down. I checked my device list and there was one device that had a little caution symbol. It just read as a number, not a particular item. So i removed all the usb devices but it didnt go away until i restarted the pc. Had the alert symbol pop up while the pc was in use but the device would just go away by itself.