Faint static/electric noise from new laptop

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Aug 22, 2015
Hi guys,

I've bought an Acer Aspire 475g laptop 3 days ago and i recently just noticed of the faint electric/static sound emanating from inside the center of the laptop. I can only hear it when i move my ear close the laptop's keyboard. It's not coming from the speakers as I've tried muting it. it's also constant and starts just as i open the laptop. Here's the sound which i recorded using the laptop's mic: http://

I did install some softwares and updated windows and thats all. I haven't noticed any problems aside from that and was wondering if this is normal or not. Any help would be appreciated.

- I5-6200u
- Nvidia 940mx 2gb
- 4GB ddr4 ram
- 1tb hdd 5200rpm
Once gain, it can be fan or HD.

Power saver mode lowers the machine performance (therefore saving power) by slowing down the fan and perhaps placing the HD to sleep sooner.
It could be fan, the HD, or it can be electrically induced, it happens to electronics. The vendor will most likely not recognize this as a failure, so if it really bothers you, return within no-question-asked period, and buy it from another vendor, in the attempt to get the same laptop from another batch.

Im planning to return it but itll be a pain as ill wait days to get another one. Here's something similar to what im hearing: https://soundcloud.com/ran-sorkin-33962662/razer-2
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