FALCON NORTWEST-serious gamming computer's


Oct 25, 2001
<A HREF="http://www.falcon-nw.com/site.htm" target="_new">http://www.falcon-nw.com/site.htm</A>
they build to meet your gamming experience, first person,simulation,role playing, or <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by ycs46241 on 12/05/01 08:05 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
How new are you to computers, or are you just a salesman? Dude, Falcon Northwest rips you off, and there is absolutley no difference if I were to buy a system from say Xicomputer. Many companies advertise that theirs is best for gaming, but in fact they are all teh same. Don't buy into that crap, or if you're a salesman, get outta here.

NOS and a <font color=red> Ferrari </font color=red> can be fun! 😎
i have been in computer since 1982,not a salesmen but alieware, falcon, and someelse said voodoo, all havee good products in responce to computer shops they seem to be pretty honest and if you read reviews the parts they are using are top of line

from alienware

<A HREF="http://www.alienware.com/main/system_pages/custom.asp" target="_new">http://www.alienware.com/main/system_pages/custom.asp</A>

not everyone can build their owen

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by ycs46241 on 12/04/01 04:39 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
1. The colors are really annoying. Please, please stop doing that. I've asked you many times, as have others.

2. People know the options for prebuilt, please only talk about them if someone asks.

3. "CPU Cooler
CPU cooler/heatsink for Thunderbird CPUs" - is not "top of the line". I hate it when companies don't tell me EXACTLY what I want.

<font color=orange>Quarter</font color=orange> <font color=blue>Pounder</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Inside</font color=orange>
Then I apologize totally. Just that falcon and alienware have steep prices, and wtf, teh alienware mobo for athlon xp will kill some performance. Sadly, last Christmas I didn't have time to build my own comp, so I had to purchase (though I'm building 2 this vacation), and I went w/ XiComputer. Great company, good prices, and way more customizeability than alienare or falcon.

NOS and a <font color=red> Ferrari </font color=red> can be fun! 😎
I have a Falcon Northwest computer. They are nice but not what all the hype says they are.

Now thier tech support is another thing. I used the "send it back to us and we'll fix it and pay the shipping" one time. Haven't heard from them since, not even a "How's the computer working since we fixed it ?".

In other words, buy from them but don't bother them after that. Buy from someone else.
don't you think that's being a little hars. I mean do they really need to call you up to see how your computer is running for you. nice I guess, but some people might just find it more annoying, and it really doesn't do any good.
falcon and alienware I'm sure are some good companies to purchase from. I think the key is just to have some solid components and good knowledge of the system. sure anybody with the knowhow can do it, but every business is like that.
There are a few probs. First, peops who know about comps build themselves, and save $500+. Also, Alienware and Falcon have some of teh WORST support. Especially Alienware. If you need an OEM that has great etch support, go with Xi Computer imo.

What if your life moved.....2 inches to the left?
Alienware? Pretty honest?


Excuse me, but I seem to have just coughed up my right lung. <i>There's</i> a body part that will never get cancer from chain-smoking. And Steve Perry has done okay with just the one, so maybe I'll live.

Maybe you should climb out of that computer and crawl into a tank of O2. I hear some deprived cells screaming for assistance.

I'll be looking forward to your responce after you order your serious gamming computer, owen. Tell all the wonderful guys and geeks at Alienware that I said, "Hello!" They all know me; we've had long, detailed discussions about genetic heritages, work ethics, conversational skills, levels of awareness, customer satisfaction, letter-bombs, etc.

There are really good things that have come out of Miami, like Gloria Estefan and imported cigars. Gaming Computers aren't one of them.


<font color=red>My Rig:</font color=red> <A HREF="http://www.anandtech.com/mysystemrig.html?rigid=6847" target="_new">http://www.anandtech.com/mysystemrig.html?rigid=6847</A>

<font color=purple>"Procrastination on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."</font color=purple>
Whoa, anyone on crack might think that $2,611 and change before taxes and shipping is a good deal but they would also think that eating gravel was the same as Grape Nuts(R). (Well some of us know that they're the same thing. Bad example I quess.) That is way too much for so little. No monitor? But hey then again if I get a free mouse pad that makes everything A-Okay.

<b>All for one and one for all...and 3 for 5! - Curly - The Three Stooges</b> :lol:
Try out Vicious PC--they build computers for gamers, but their prices are much more reasonable than Falcon's:

You can get a kick-ass system for around $1500-2500--with nVidia's new GeForce 3 Ti500 cards and the Athlon 1800+ processor.
I can get a kick ass gaming sys w/ XP1900 and GF3 Ti500 between $1200 and 1500$ from BuyABS. Hehe, here's something interesting about Alienware- my freind purchased his comp from them a month ago, and is getting it next week. My other freinds purchased from XiComputer and ABS a week ago, and are happily playing on them as I speak. I told the guy who purchased the Alienware (he's not too sharp), and he claims that their systems must be prebuilt, although they configed em (well, I actually told em what to get).

My rice car will leave your R8500 in the dust!
They are not pre-built.

He'll be lucky if they actually build it and install all the parts. And get the correct address on the mailing label. These guys have problems figuring how to jumper hard drives. All my devices arrived jumpered as Cable Select. The BIOS was set up wrong, and the system wouldn't boot.

Missing ... 2 components. Wrong operating system. Wrong modem. Missing NIC and MPEG-2 card. Bad sectors on both hard drives. Etc. And this was built by the head of the assembly department, as well as being the <i>personal</i> responsibility of the head of the technical support department, after having a long conversation with the CEO/owner of the company.

Average shipping time - 5 weeks, not counting the replacements parts and the items that are <i>normally</i> missing. Call it seven weeks and 5-15 phone calls to get everything shipped and installed.

Cute, huh?

The machine runs pretty good now ... since I gutted the system and installed another mainboard, heatsink, extra fans and a PSU. I'll be finished for a while after I replace the soundcard and add more RAM. No thanks to the company.

My sympathies to your friend. He's gonna feel a whole lot less sharp very shortly.


<font color=red>My Rig:</font color=red> <A HREF="http://www.anandtech.com/mysystemrig.html?rigid=6847" target="_new"><font color=green>Toejam31's Tantalizing Tantric Toy</font color=green></A>

<font color=purple>"Procrastination on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."</font color=purple>