Fallout 3 odd low FPS


Apr 15, 2011
Hello, i've owned fallout 3 for awhile and i'm having strange fps issues. The problem is that no matter what settings my game is on it is always below 30fps even on low textures. The game used to run perfect at 60fps constant rarely going below 40 on ultra settings 1024x768(i have an old CRT monitor).
AMD Athlon II X4 630
ati radeon hd 5770
2gb ddr3 dual channel RAM
500 watt PSU
1TB Hard Drive

Also The Elder Scrolls IV has always been somewhat more consuming in performance but it runs perfect. :pfff:

Also im running windows XP home edition
il be installing some of my older games over the next few days, fallout 3 will be 1 of them so i will let you know how i get on. the install will contain all the DLC so will be patched and i will be running it on the latest 11.5 drivers...

in the mean time go into ccc pannel and reset it to defaults. try running the game and see what happens...
if you still have issues, try turning off texture optimizations and reduce some of the settings in ccc panel rather than in the game... try each setting on performance and slowly add to see if something impacts performance more than it should... you should have to restart the game each time, just alt tab out, change a setting and alt tab back in.

i would say the 1s to look closest at are the...
Yes it is patched, and no it is not a bottleneck if i run gta IV and TES IV better. Also i said it used to run perfect on my first install. (as a side note lowest settings doesnt raise my fps even by 1)
run taskmanager and see how much cpu and ram the game is using. open gpuz and see how much gpu is being used.
also what kind of hdd do you have... if its a carver green or sinilar you want to get your games off it and use it for storage. no 5400rpm is good for gaming also installing on external usb drives aint good.

as your net getting any increase when your dropping the rez you may want to increase the rez de stress the cpu by offloading onto the gpu. your fps may not go up by much but your minimum fps should jump up. if it does you have a cpu bottleneck...
Well i always run gamebooster and my monitor is and has always ran at 60 Hz when i didnt have problems, i always make sure that my hdd is defragged and my registry cleaned. All my other games that are more demanding runs better. And again before i installed it a second time it ran perfect, even after i had to downgrade from 4 to 2 gb of RAM because of crc errors which is why i reinstalled fallout 3.
il be installing some of my older games over the next few days, fallout 3 will be 1 of them so i will let you know how i get on. the install will contain all the DLC so will be patched and i will be running it on the latest 11.5 drivers...

in the mean time go into ccc pannel and reset it to defaults. try running the game and see what happens...
if you still have issues, try turning off texture optimizations and reduce some of the settings in ccc panel rather than in the game... try each setting on performance and slowly add to see if something impacts performance more than it should... you should have to restart the game each time, just alt tab out, change a setting and alt tab back in.

i would say the 1s to look closest at are the multisampling options and texture sampling options.
Alright heres what happened; I lowered everything to performance in CCC and also turned off all use application settings boxes, i made everything minimum in game and i tryed it. But it did not do anything so i downloaded FRAPS to confirm my fps and i was shocked at the results. Somehow my game thinks my monitor is on 30 hz and my fps never went below 29.

Screenshot here:


Zoom once to see the 30 in the top left 😉

So, what im going to do now is completely erase everything related to fallout 3 on my computer. I will tell how that went.
you didnt waste my time, you had a problem and tried to get help...
im sorry you had to resort to such drastic measures... it looks to me like a config file had become corrupt or it didnt identify your gfx properly so set it to 30hz which in itself is strange as it would only select 30hz if it couldnt find a 60hz adapter.
i have seen the 30hz issue b4 but its only ever with console ports. i sorta wish you hadnt deleted everything as i would have liked to found the real reason for it...
but hey its fixed now... so enjoy...