Fallout 3 on windows 10?


Sep 7, 2015
ive never played the fallout series.since fallout 4 has alot of hype i wanted to try fallout 3.i bought it for the pc and it wont launch. I got windows 10 and the launcher starts but when i click play it just says fallout 3 has stopped working ive seen ytube vids on it working on windows 10 ive tried almost all solutions but they dont work is there any other way to make it run thanks.
If you have a quad core (or greater) you will probably need to add a line to your .ini file for it to run. I tried it with a quad core CPU several years ago and it would freeze up. This line will take care of that (if that's your problem).


It will run fine on Windows 10 otherwise.
just played through again a few months ago. started this round on 8.1 and continued through my upgrade to Windows 10. it did work fine.

are you running any other games on Windows 10? it could be a graphics driver problem if none are working. the simplest troubleshooting here would be to reinstall the game and the latest graphics driver suite for your graphics card.

what version of the game do you have? a hard copy or digital download from Steam?

i can run all my other games and i have the steam digital version