Fallout 3 or New Vegas?


Jun 12, 2010
Title says all, playing on a windows 7 computer with Intel HD 3000, Fallout 3 is $5 including DLC, New Vegas is $5 without DLC.

Never played either, but I love Skyrim if that helps.
I was obsessed with Fallout 3, loved every second of it. NV is a little harder to get into to, it seems like there is much more territory to cover and the story is not as compelling.

I would go with FO3 over NV.

that already sounds better, haha

also, the first one OP said comes with DLC which would probably make it even better
I prefer Fallout 3 to Fallout: NV.

The style of gameplay is more or less the same with some tweaks and a different storyline. I think I prefer Fallout 3 to Fallout: NV because in FO3, you can still play the game after the you finish the main quest so there is a "continuation" of sorts. in FO:NV once you finish the main quest, that is basically the end of the game. The DLCs for FO:NV must be played before completing the main quest. Of course there are mods that allow you to continue to play after the main quest is finished.

I've probably played FO3 either 4 or 5 different times. I've only played FO:NV once. I even continued to played FO3 after playing FO:NV. I kinda lost interest in FO:NV to the point that I did not even bother buying the last two DLCs (Old World Blues and another I can't remember).
I like the setting in New Vegas and places that you go in New Vegas personally. New Vegas is also better as a game, but Fallout 3 has more material. Fallout 3 is a little more forgiving as well in and so far as the minutiae of daily life is concerned.

I think Fallout 3 has a bigger fan base and rightly so, but New Vegas evokes a certain feel about itself that I really like.

IMO, those last 2 dlcs were the best. Lonesome road (the last one) not so much but still better than DM and HH. Old world blues is hilarious and you should get it.
fallout 3 much much better altogether especially with DLC there is no contest get fallout 3 the storyline is better the map is bigger and as a fallout goes its more lonely the DLC fits well with the main storyline whereas new vegas is a bit contrived and the only real difference is that it has hardcore mode i was really disapointed with new vegas i got bored before the DLC even came out and like other ppl have said even can play fallout 3 more than once
hardcore mode felt like you were on aclock timer because the effects were more or less passive, unlike a concussion. Then you would spontaneously dies because you drank a soda. I guess that is pretty hardcore 😵

I might pickup FO:NV again, but not until the mod which combines both FO3 and FO:NV into one game is completed; I can't remember the name of the mod right now. Basically it creates a tunnel you can use to travel between the Capital Wasteland and the FO:NV's desert. Obviously you need to own both games to use the mod.

One drawback is that mods designed for FO3 probably will not work for this particular FO:NV mod.