Fallout 4: Abysmal fps


Oct 17, 2015
With an R9 380 and fx8320 I originally was running fine when I started the game. Mostly 40-50 on high with alot of weird drops to 30 but still manageable. Now, even on low im not even getting over 20. All my drivers are updated. Tried validating cache. It's pretty sad that i'm forced to pickup a console copy. Fixes?
no its not just AMD. it is NOT just AMD. i wish people would stop saying that. im running on a gtx 970 and a core i7 and im getting the same deal going on. i started the first few hours at 60fps solid. got into Sanctuary and it started dropping a bit. now its unbearable. its mostly in large cities. i had friggin' 23fps last night fighting a single mirelurk in the dark with basically no lighting going on. i just want you to know you're not crazy and you're definitely not alone dude. people are reporting "butter smooth" gameplay on similar systems to mine and i think theyre full of bs. get into a large city and THEN tell me what your frame rate is.

yes a buddy of mine is using a core i5 and an r9 390 and says he gets about 35fps in Sanctuary as well. its problems with every PC setup. these people who are reporting amazing frame rate i think need to turn on fraps or something and actually look at whats going on. in lexington i had 23fps with 30% GPU utilization from a gtx 970. not cool. bethesda needs to FINALLY ditch that 20 year old game engine and release something thats new. i'd understand if the game looked amazing but its merely mediocre in the graphics department. i could easily play this game at 40fps and enjoy the crap out of it but 23fps is just unacceptable out of a $300 gpu.