Fallout 4 FPS Stutter


Nov 29, 2015
I have an Intel i5 4690k, GTX 1080 and 16 GBs of ram.
I am having FPS stutters in Fallout 4 and some other games. I was wondering if my CPU is causing this, or if it is just the Fallout 4 Engine. I have heard that it could be the engine. And if it is I would like a solution for this problem.

What CPU would you recommend to replace my i5?
Fallout 4 has places of stutter. On my second playthrough this time ( 418 hours so far :ouch: ) with the high res texture pack. 6700k - 980 Ti - 16GB DDR4 3200. Everything maxed including godrays at 1440p. Most of the time I sit on a steady 60 FPS but there are places it drops to ~48-50. It's not unplayable when it drops but you can certainly tell it.

The high res texture pack didn't seem to affect performance one way or the other.

Unless you want to do a full system upgrade, and it's really not necessary except for motherboard features if you want them then you should just drop an i7 4970K in there.

Absolutely and if it was the only game causing trouble I'd say his CPU is probably fine. Though FO4 clearly scales better with more threads/cores the fact is it more then one game tells me a i7 is in order. I wouldn't be suprised if the following games are on his list of stutters:

Watch Dogs 2
Ghost Recon Wildlands
The Division
Rise of the Tomb Raider
The Witcher 3

All of those games use 8+ threads and some use as many as 16+ threads. I am curious now though. What other games are causing you trouble?

Only GTA V and Fallout 4 are giving me problems. No other games have given me problems. Fallout 4 used to run perfectly fine with my 960 at max settings granted the FPS drops in the city in Fallout 4. But randomly one day my game started to stutter, and GTA V has recently started to do this.
You might be facing some sort of bottleneck in there although i have the same specs and run GTA V just fine... as for Fallout 4 I didn't tested with a 1080, but a 970 instead and ran the game modded back in time without any problems or stutters. You should be fine with both but just in case try these if you didn't.

For Fallout 4 (not sure if your game is modded but yeah.. this game has some optimization issues, since it's release, specially Shadow Rendering and God Rays they seems to be the most fps Killer out there, try reducing those and see if it helps, I used to get fps drops in citites with those on ultra) Also try to reduce the number of debries..

For GTA V - Make sure you have Vsync ON in case you have a 60Hz Monitor otherwise your game will stutter as hell, Don't ask me why... this is a wierd problem I only have with GTA V, also try reducing Detail Scaling on Advanced Graphics Tab that sure causes a lot of stutter and so does the Grass Quality Option..

If none of that helps, I would try monitoring your Temps for a while to see if there's anything related to hardware issues instead of game problems.