Fallout 4 not using any VRAM on GTX 1080

Barney Willis

Jul 30, 2013
Hi all,

I have been playing Fallout 4 on my GTX 1080 and have lately noticed that the game uses exactly 0mb of the VRAM available to it, instead opting to put strain on my limited and aging system RAM instead. This isn't the end of the world but it is causing frame rate drops as I move around heavily populated areas and just strikes me as something that shouldn't happen when there are unused system resources that could help.

Any ideas what is causing this/what I might be able to do? I have already updated the drivers and run the Geforce experience optimiser to no luck. My specs are:

i5 3570k
GTX 1080 MSI Armor edition
8gb GDDR3
Win 7
1440p 144hz G-Sync Display

Would welcome your views. Thanks guys :)
Looks like an issue with MSI afterburner, it's unlikely the video card is actually not using any VRAM, 0 MB makes no sense at all, if everything is working as intended (ie the game works), dont worry about it. If no VRAM was actually in use the game would not even start

Measuring using MSI afterburner which shows and differentiates VRAM and system RAM. The VRAM usage displayed does not show what is using it, just how much of it is used. And it is 0mb 🙁

I get that system RAM will always be needed but it can't be right that the graphics cards VRAM isn't being used at all? Not an expert so happy to be corrected.

And yes quite sure that it is of the graphics card and not the integrated graphics card - it shows the GPU usage and temp next to it so seem quite clear.
Looks like an issue with MSI afterburner, it's unlikely the video card is actually not using any VRAM, 0 MB makes no sense at all, if everything is working as intended (ie the game works), dont worry about it. If no VRAM was actually in use the game would not even start