Fallout 4 Random Crashes to Desktop?


Dec 27, 2015
So yeah as the title suggests i keep getting a random crash to desktop while playing fallout 4, Im not doing anything in particular either sometimes i will be walking through a hall other times fighting. There is no error message either once it crashes. Tried a bunch of different solutions like turning off weapon debris and ambient occlusion but that made no difference. Also tried steam forums but that only led me to some mod that didn't seem to make any difference either.

I read somewhere it could be ram related but i mean i have 16 gigs, and looking at it, it tells me i have 11034 available and 2733 free, during game play that free drops to like 700 but not sure that has anything to do with it.

(2) msi gtx 970s
Intel i7-4790k (Noctua NHD15 cooler 2 fan)
corsair vengeance red 16 gb
current resolution 3840 x 2160 3mhz (65 inch 4k tv)
operating system is windows 7
MSI ATX DDR3 2600 LGA 1150, Z97-G45
EVGA supernova 1300w g2 80+gold PSU
phantom 410 case

any help you all could provide would be appreciated
Lol CTD related to network ? Seriously ???
This si a problem for a lot of players without any solution as it's totally random. Sometime you can play 10 hours without any crash, sometime the game will crash after 30 min...
I have this issue no matter the version I use (officiel Steam or cracked version on a "clean" - no steam, antivirus, etc. - computer does the same issue).
Well that's just a well designed game, that crashes without giving an error message, even with just a loss of internet. Hopefully there is a log that it writes to. FO4 crashes on my laptop right after I launch it, before it begins to load, no error message. But my video card is not up to par. Still, should give a message instead of windows compiling an error report.
hmm speed test is telling me i have a 117.05 download speed, and a 11.20 mbs upload. I do have 43 devices connected to the router (not joking). But im doubtful its due to internet since its the only game i have having this particular problem. If their is some way to view a log that would of course help but i am not sure how or where to look for that?

While playing it... why not unplug your ethernet cable to see if it does the same exact thing... if not, then at least you could eliminate that as being the problem.

will do, ill test this for a couple of days and get back one way or the other.

alright after spending a few days using this method whenever i do play, same problem happens..for a while their i thought it might have been fix but yea. Any other ideas?

Lol CTD related to network ? Seriously ???
This si a problem for a lot of players without any solution as it's totally random. Sometime you can play 10 hours without any crash, sometime the game will crash after 30 min...
I have this issue no matter the version I use (officiel Steam or cracked version on a "clean" - no steam, antivirus, etc. - computer does the same issue).

Sure took a while for your question to be selected as the best answer but congrats

Actually, I've had this happen to me many times... in the middle of a game... lost internet connection from my ISP... boom... my game crashes... especially bad when my connection is shaky... my games would crash or minimize like crazy...
Fo4 is pretty buggy and if you use mods it can get worse quickly.
Also save games can get corrupted and than you can't fix it unless you continue from an earlier save