Fallout 4 save won't load.. Windows 10


Feb 3, 2013
I've just booted up Fallout 4 and noticed that I'm no longer getting the option to load game, I've checked my docs and all my save files are still there so I've no idea what the problem could be, any help on this would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.
One Drive took over your documents folder.
Right click the OneDrive icon in your taskbar. (cloud icon)
Choose Settings, and then go to Auto Save tab.
Change the choose where to save our documents and pictures option to this PC only.

Yeah and that save worked fine, tho now it seems to be saving to the onedrive documents folder?? I backed up my documents to onedrive yesterday, could I have possibly changed that to the default folder somehow?

I don't get your meaning? I understand how saves work, what I'm saying is,that now, it seems that the default save folder has changed from its original location to my documents folder in Onedrive, and I've no idea how to change this back.

Thanks very much James, problem is sorted 😀