Hello, I have a M4A785-M ASuSTek motherboard (AMD 785G) and I can support a AM2 AM2+ and an AM3 Cpu. The CPU I got now is a AMD Phenom 9850 x4 then the ram is DDR2. My graphics card is a AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series (doesn't list anything else in the name) but it has 1 gb of DDR3. So overall you can see that my pc is stuck in the dark ages of ddr2 and am3 cpu's and I wish to get a MAJOR upgrade! Can anyone throw me some well put together pc upgrades that is around $500? I know the budget is low but I would really like some ideas for how I could go with this. My goal is to be able to play some of the newer games out (Including fallout 4) with hitting atleast medium (ofc higher is better but with my budget and and the cost of things I dont know how well this will all turn out) If its over some I could always think about it!
Please and thank you!
Please and thank you!