I have a msi h100m mobo and i thought it has a pwm fan connector so i've bought a noctua fan for it. However after reading the manual it is actually a voltage mode fan control.
Now here comes my dilemma. For the moment i have 2 3pin fans connectd with a splitter to the mobo.
Should i keep the noctua fan? Is it still worth? Doea coltage control works with 3pin fans? (They're connected with a pwm splitter that came with the noctua) or do they work full speed?
I could return the noctua and get a molex splitter for 4 fans (2x5v 2x12v) and run intake at 12v and buy 2 more cheaper arctic fans and run them exhaust at 5v?
What do u guya suggest? My case is a phanteks p400 and i have the 2 stock fans
I have a msi h100m mobo and i thought it has a pwm fan connector so i've bought a noctua fan for it. However after reading the manual it is actually a voltage mode fan control.
Now here comes my dilemma. For the moment i have 2 3pin fans connectd with a splitter to the mobo.
Should i keep the noctua fan? Is it still worth? Doea coltage control works with 3pin fans? (They're connected with a pwm splitter that came with the noctua) or do they work full speed?
I could return the noctua and get a molex splitter for 4 fans (2x5v 2x12v) and run intake at 12v and buy 2 more cheaper arctic fans and run them exhaust at 5v?
What do u guya suggest? My case is a phanteks p400 and i have the 2 stock fans