A few days ago I started up my computer and it made a loud humming or buzzing noise. I opened the case and the noise stopped. The next day the same thing happened--I turned on my computer to this humming noise, only when i opened up the side panel this time the noise didn't stop. So i shut down my computer and turned it back on to no noise. I've figured out it's either my back exhaust fan or my CPU heatsink fan, but that still doesn't explain why the sound stops when I restart the system. It only happens after the deskstop has been off overnight and I'm just starting it up that first time. That in particular is what is what has me the most puzzled and making this post.
Visually nothing about those two fans seems to be off and they seem to be firmly in place, both when they're on and off. And the system starts up perfectly fine even when the noise is happening.
Visually nothing about those two fans seems to be off and they seem to be firmly in place, both when they're on and off. And the system starts up perfectly fine even when the noise is happening.