Fan RPM high always!


Jan 14, 2014
Hey, ever since i took my CPU fan out to give it a clean its been constantly (even straight on startup) at 2850-2900RPM. It seems a bit louder than normal, but I am a bit worried I may have broke the sensors or something? Or is 2900RPM normal?

Thank you! :)
Stock CPU fans always have PWM control so i wouldn't say it's very normal, i doubt the sensor died from a simple cleaning. At startup sometimes fans will run at full blast and then quiet down at idle. I would first check and make sure that you've installed the Heatsink properly as the sensor could be pushing the fan at that speed to try and keep an overheating chip cool.

Also see if you have any programs running behind the scenes, check task manager and look at the CPU's usage percentage at the bottom. As a program behind the scenes could be taxing the chip without your knowledge.
I think your cpu heat is increasing that's why your fan is always spinning fast it maybe because you haven't applied the thermal grease properly and the original thermal grease that comes with your cpu is the best and if you want a substitute for that then buy the Cooler Master Extreme Fusion X1 (RG-EFX1-TG15-R1) Thermal Interface.