Fan rubbing/scrating front of my computer case when installed.


Sep 2, 2014
I recently bought a Cooler Master JetFlo fan for my PC and I installed it into the top fan spot at the front of my Cooler Master n600 case. The only problem is that it appears that it is stiff when the fan moves, which I think may be caused by rubbing on the case, is there a way to fix this? or something else wrong? I did spin the fan before I put it in to check it worked and it was fine but as soon as I powered my PC and loud scraping noise was heard before shutting it down and unplugging the fan. Thanks in advance, Jaicob.

I'm new to building computers and stuff so where would I get the from and what do they look like? are they just those rubber rings?

I fixed it, I had to push my case into shape since for some reason the middle of where the fan sits was pushed in. Thanks anyways.