fan setup/h60 placement in h440 case


Jan 19, 2015
I am getting a h440 case and currently have a h60 cpu cooler. I am planning on buying 2 corsair sp120 high static fans to use as well as the stock fans ( i hear the stock fans are quite good).
I was wondering what the best overall fan setup would be, but mainly where i should place the h60 and if it should be intake or exhaust?
Also, which fans would i plug into the fan controller on the back and which ones would i plug into mobo.

Thank you in advance

The h60 you should place at the back if it fit as a push/pull config and as exhaust,

Then you can have 2 fans as intake in front, and then you could have at top as exhaust too if you want.


Push/pull is when you have 1 fan on each side of the radiator like if you have it at the back you have one fan as exhause blowing air out and then you have the radiator on that and then a other fan on the other side blowing air out too/pushing it thrue the radiator.

would you have the fan on the inside as intake or exhaust and vice versa

Both fans will be on the inside.

here is a link that have a good picture just scroll down a little on it and you will see.

Both fans will be in exhaust/pull mode both one will be be in exhaust/pulling the air out and the other will be exhaust/pulling it out thats why its called push/pull

oh no i meant which one would be on the motherboard side of the radiator (inside) and which one would be in between the case and the radiator (outside), but from what you've said both fans will be pushing air towards the outside of the case?

Yea both will be pushing and it does not matter what fans you use and where you have them connected, i would suggest having the fans you will be using for the radiator connected to the motherboard, te rest you can have to fan controller or motherboard that is up to you.

and if you planning on buying 2 corsair sp fans i would suggest using them for the radiator as they have a good airflow.

ok thanks heaps dude