Fan Stacking if same RPM?


Nov 14, 2014
In my case i currently have 2 stock fans at 46.6 CFM and i will soon be buying another R9 290 to crossfire with my existing one. When i do this i will buy 6 more case fans to fill my case up. My fan mounts in my CM Storm Scout 2 are as follows:

2x 120mm on front
2x 120mm on top
2x 120mm on side
1x 120mm on back
1x 120mm on bottom

My problem is i want as much airflow as possible but also dont want to waste my two old fans.Considering the lower front is almost useless because of My HDD rack and the left over PSU cords i thought it would be a good idea to put one of the slower ones there. But where would i put the second slower one? I dont want a 46.6 CFM fan stacked to a 95 CFM Fan it will slow it down so should i stack it with the other 46.6 CFM fan or put it in the next weakest spot and if so where is the next weakest spot? (Keeping in mind 2x R9 290's are hot so i want good GPU cooling at bottom and sides, and sufficient cooling at top because heat rises) Thanks, Mitch

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I dont believe it will add more total air flow that is why i am asking. Also these cards run at 95C each so i am going to buy a bottom fan and two side fans no matter what to cool my cards, at the same time there are only two mounts left so i decided why not just fill them all up.


Fans won't help that if you have the reference models. Aftermarket cooling solutions are the only way to lower those temps.

So 2 at the front 2 at the side and 1 at the bottom all at 95CFM wont do anything to the cards?


You may drop a degree or two, but the problem lies with in the cooler design. They are designed to run at that temperature. AMD made very hot GPU's, and slapped a cooler design on them from an older card and called it a day. Those coolers cannot quite handle those cards very well. When the Corsair HG10 is released, I reccomend purchasing two of those and two aio's to bring your card temps down. You could buy aftermarket solutions made by companies such as Gelid, but the hg10's will be a better solution for your sli set up.

Ok thanks ill look around for some type of water cooling.

I don't want to make a custom loop because id probably screw it up and id prefer a factory sealed type of thing. Any factory sealed GPU coolers you can thing of? Also when is the HG10 being released?

You can buy watercooling kits ( such as the xspc one's) that have step by step pictures. You can also watch step by step videos. NCIX has a great video on it. It really is quite simple. I was afraid and worried at first that I would mess something up, but after I watched the videos, it looked very simply. I will be watercooling my 8350 or an i7 with my gtx970 next month.

For the aio's, the kraken x41 is what I like. The kraken x31 will also work, but the x41 will give you the best temps. I believe they will work with the hg10. Corsair hasn't said which cooler will and won't work with it yet. I do not know when the HG10 will be released. If you want to, you can get the kraken g10, but you will need to apply VRM heat-sinks.

Ok ill have a look around thanks.