Fans are not working?

The connections seem right.
"As for the Pump, I'm not sure why but It only has 3 Pins while the AIO_PUMP have 4 pins. (I still placed it there anyway"\
It should be ok:
Try switching in BIOS the mode that the fan operates to DC (check the header label and change accordingly in BIOS).
Check again the connections.
If still the same, it might be a cooler issue. Try RMA-ing it, since under warranty.

Did you try pressing play/pause button?

How I'm going to do that? the Controller is supposed to take all the fans then you get one cable to put in the motherboard. If I do what you are asking me, I will be left with 3 fans with 5 pins each .. not sure how I could do that.

Yes I did try the play and pause button.
The connections seem right.
"As for the Pump, I'm not sure why but It only has 3 Pins while the AIO_PUMP have 4 pins. (I still placed it there anyway"\
It should be ok:
Try switching in BIOS the mode that the fan operates to DC (check the header label and change accordingly in BIOS).
Check again the connections.
If still the same, it might be a cooler issue. Try RMA-ing it, since under warranty.