Fans for PC Case - CFM vs RPM


Jan 27, 2015
Hello Community,

How are you guys all doing Tuesday morning!!

I came to ask few questions regarding the Case Fans characteristics and how they really work.

I am currently looking at buying Corsair AF series.
Now, I see the overall chart for their different types.


QUestion: Does higher cfm actually cools hardware better than ones with lower cfm but higher Rpm?

I know the higher CFM draws more (large amt of) air and RPM is basically fan cycling speed like hp on vehicle depending on its need.

Of course, it would be perfect if they have high cfm and high rpm at the same time regardless of dBA level.

In this case, I am wondering if i should get the higher rpm ones or cfm ones.

Just by thinking of it, people can think high cfm (cubic feet per minute) fan draws more air at each interval and it would better.
But my thought is, even though it draws more air at each interval doesn't necessarily mean it will draw sufficient air current(rpm).

I think I am trying to cross over to the "advanced knowledge" zone.

Any feedback would be appreciated greatly!

CFM basically is a value of how much air is entering the rig through that particular fan. RPM are the number of times fan spins in one minute. Go with the fan with more CFM, because for eg, a fan operating at 10k RPM with 10 CFM is nothing but a noisy airplane taking off!
CFM basically is a value of how much air is entering the rig through that particular fan. RPM are the number of times fan spins in one minute. Go with the fan with more CFM, because for eg, a fan operating at 10k RPM with 10 CFM is nothing but a noisy airplane taking off!

Thanks, I myself was leaning towards the cfm but wasn't sure.


RPM stands for "rotations per minute" which is simply a measure of how fast the fan spins. If the fan spins faster, it will be louder.

CFM (cubic feet per minute) is the measure of the effectiveness of the fan in terms of how much air it moves. The best fans actually have HIGH CFM and LOW RPM.

If you wanted to choose the best fan, look first for the highest rated CFM, then combine that with your tolerance for how noisy it is (dBA - lower is quieter).