fans get loud, no display, video card not detected


Aug 16, 2014

I was afk while playing the ArcheAge beta then suddenly hear my fans spinning really loud. I go check my monitor and there is no display, so i force shutdown my computer. When I tried booting up again it was quiet again but there was still no display.

I got display using my integrated cpu graphics and checked device manager and saw that my gpu was not there, and wasn't detected when I tried reinstalling the drivers.

I've tried resetting the BIOS by removing the motherboard battery for 30 seconds, checked in BIOS that PCI-E was being used as primary, and tried disabling the the integrated graphics by uninstalling it.

I suspect that my gpu is dead because of a sudden power surge or something, but the fans on it are still running, so I can't be sure unless I try putting it into a different computer, which isn't immediately available to me. I will have to find a computer repair shop to find out. But in the mean time, I was wondering if anyone has encountered this same problem or have any solutions.


ocz xstream 700w psu
gtx 670
asrock z68 extreme3 gen3
intel quad core i5 3570k
windows 7 64 bit
8gb ram
at first, try reseating your GPU, connect all cables.
Then, connect your monitor to your GPU, and see if you can get into the BIOS through your GPU. That shows at least it can pass-through the image to your monitor
- if you can, you could try to boot in safe-mode and check / re-install drivers
- if not, see if you can test your GPU in another PC, see if it works there. (Simply determine wheter the problem is solely your GPU, or a combination)
Ok, before I read your post, and without doing any of that, I randomly decided to turn it on again, the integrated graphics werent displaying, and the video card magically started displaying again without the drivers installed. I got through the motherboard splash screen and loaded windows normally. Then I reinstalled my drivers.

However I have a new problem now. I can get display in safe mode after reinstalling my drivers, but when I run Windows normally, after the windows loading screen, the display stops working.

I will try to reinstall Windows to see if that works and update this post.
Ok I'm getting a really weird problem before & after reinstalling windows.

Everything I try to do is getting blocked. Downloads are being blocked, installing things isnt working, can't visit most sites because of 'expired certificates'.

For example, On Internet Explorer I go to I get, 'There is a problem with this website's security certificate'. Managed to download and install firefox(not from the firefox website because the download from there was blocked) and visiting I get 'This connection is untrusted' and I'm having to give all these sites permission.

I can't download and install java or adobe reader because of this, and probably mostly everything else as well. Seems like windows security or something is going haywire and I don't know what is causing it. Can someone help me please?

Its also impossible to sign into gmail because it says uses an invalid security certificate.

Edit: Seems like the security issues were fixed by synchronizing internet time by right clicking the system tray clock. Re downloading the game to see if everything works fine.
Everything seems to work fine until I launch a game. Videos run fine, 2d games like terraria run fine. When I launch a 3d game like trine 2 or archeage, i will either lose signal to my monitor, or my display will just turn black. Sometimes the fans will also start running really fast and loud, sometimes it will just stay quiet. The audio will also stall and sound all robotic and choppy.

As an example, when running ArcheAge, I will get passed the splash screen logos, when the cg cutscene starts is when i lose display. However if I keep the window minimized until after the cutscene starts I am able to see the cutscene. But after the cutscene my display crashes again even if I am minimized. There are no 3d graphics at the choosing a server to connect to part that I'm aware of. When launching trine 2, my display crashes immediately after the loading screen.

Ive tried with both old drivers and new drivers, checked my memory sticks individually and in different slots, reseated my graphics card in both pcie slots, FurMark video stress test just makes my monitor turn solid blue or some other color and I have to force restart. I'm not sure what the problem could be.

This is most likey a failed video card. Many times a bad card will work fine on basic drivers, but soon as any advanced features are used, it crashes.