Fans turns on. Led shines. No post no boot no display


Feb 4, 2018
I've tried everything in the sticky. I haven't been able to try another psu/cpu/mobo cause of lack of one.
Starting the system all fans turns on,leds starts up. Mouse or keyboard won't get any signs of power. DVD can be opened by clicking the button but will close itself within 2sec.
Got 3sticks of ram. Tried all in different places and then by the self in different places.

Bought a motherboard speaker which is arriving in 2weeks. Tried without gpu.

When reseating the memory I have managed to get to a screen which tells me pc has detected memory amount changes. Pressing f1 to run the setup. Eventually takes me to bios where I can view everything. Total memory is bios is what it should be. Exit the bios and saves changes it will put me back into no post no bios no display.

This is a 5yr setup with 2yr psu. Have been working fine since to about 1month ago when I had to restart it like 5 times to get it to boot. This has happened like 3 times. And now I'm stuck.

EDIT: did some testing with ram. One stick makes the pc reboot every 5 seconds. I have gotten rid of that one for now. I also managed to get power to keyboard and mouse during one startup. However touching nothing and restarting lead to no power on keyboard n mouse.
EDIT2: Tried psu on another pc and it was working. Starting to believe it's motherboard. Awaiting mobo speaker

Psu:corsair cx750m
Cpu:i5 3550
Mobo:msi z77a-g43


Feb 4, 2018
So tested psu in another rig that uses less power than mine but it worked fine.
Tested with just psu cpu and mobo, same problem. (no post bios or power to USB peripherals).
I could run a ram test on the other rig but I would be surprised to see all my 3sticks have failed.
Am I correct to assume that since there's no power to the mouse or keyboard that the problem lies in the mobo and not cpu?

Having a faulty cpu would not cause USB power problems surely?